Products Infomation

Silicone Belt Heater

Silicone Belt Heater

【Homogeneous heating】
Silicone belt heaters are planar shaped on one side resulting in a homogeneous heating surface, which provides excellent heating properties.
【Wide wattage range】
The heater can be custom-built over a wide wattage range, from low(W/m)to as high as an upper temperature limit of covering material.
【Wide range of applications】
The heater is designed for heating or keeping heat at a temperature range between low and medium allowing you to use it in a wide range of applications.

Silicone Belt Heater




Material Heat-resistant silicone rubber
Operating temperature(*) -50℃ ~ 180℃
Insulation resistance DC500V 100MΩ or more
Dielectric strength 150V or less:1000VAC/1min,
Over 150V:1500VAC/1min
Tensile strength at joint 30N(3.06kgf)

Configure of standard types

Length Voltage Wattage Wattage/1m Product code
1,000mm 100V 50W 50W/m SBH15
1,500mm 100V 150W 100W/m SBH115
2,500mm 100V 250W 100W/m SBH125
5,000mm 100V 500W 100W/m SBH150
1,000mm 200/100V 50/12.5W 50/12.5W/m SBH25
2,500mm 200/100V 60/15W 24/6W/m SBH26
1,500mm 200/100V 150/37.5W 100/25W/m SBH215
2,500mm 200/100V 250/62.5W 100/25W/m SBH225
5,000mm 200/100V 500/125W 100/25W/m SBH250

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Researched by Shared Research Inc.
about Nihon Denkei Co., Ltd.