1) About Watanabe
Watanabe Electric Industry Co. Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of Digital panel meters & Signal converters in Japan.
These products are used in machine, equipment, control panel board manufacturers at various production sites. (Semiconductor, automotive, plant/factory, water treatment, etc.)
2) New product WPMZ series
Graphical Digital meter WPMZ series are New release of our Digital panel meters.
WPMZ is multi-display LCD type meter which can cover various requirements such as process monitoring, quality judgement etc. at the production site for various applications and environment.
3) Features of WPMZ series
1) Input types & Series lineup
(1) WPMZ-1 : DC Voltage / Current Meter
(2) WPMZ-3 : Strain Gauge Meter
(3) WPMZ-5 : Rotation / Speed Meter (Pulse/Line driver input)
(4) WPMZ-6 : Flow rate / Flow Totalizer (Pulse /Analog input)
2) 2ch input & calculation result display by one meter
3) Easy to read by 2.4 inch TFT Full color LCD display
4) Option outputs
(1) Analog output
(2) BCD output
(3) RS-232C output
(4) RS-485 Modbus output
5) 4 setpoints Alarm output (AL1/AL2/AL3/AL4)
Relay output & Open collector output selectable
6) High-speed sampling rate (Max. 4000 times/sec)
7) Switch display types (Value / Bar graph / Trend Graph)
8) WPMZ can rotate 90° to vertically, to use at the narrow places of control board